Flu infection rates — the plain old boring flu — are high in South Carolina right now, especially among children.  As families skip the flu vaccine, infection rates have skyrocketed.  The flu vaccine can lessen the flu, even if you end up infected with a different strain of flu.  Hand washing is the best daily defense for those who are already vaccinated.

According to the CDC, 78 children have died in the US from the flu this year.  Incidences in the Midlands and Upstate are on the rise this month.

Flu hitting kids hard, activity on rise

As many Americans look toward Spring, the thought of the flu isn’t exactly front of mind but according to US health officials, flu activity is again on the rise.

The UK Independent’s New York office reports nearly every state is reporting a high rate of Influenza.  Furthermore, this year’s strain has particularly hit children hard. There have been 78 deaths of Americans 18-years of age and younger.

Despite coverage of the coronavirus, health officials say the flu ‘remains a constant and predictable health crisis.’

Do you get a flu vaccination every year?

How much do you worry about the flu?

Do you get your children vaccinated?

Do you think anti-vaxx speech should be treated the same as yelling “fire” in a crowded theater? 

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